Connect through the cloud
No additional hardware, no hassle.
Have your customers connect their devices to the cloud with no additional hardware. We will handle the rest: automatically charging their car, or heating & cooling their home when electricity is at its cheapest and greenest.
Connect through API
Support for hundreds of devices through a single integration
Always using the best API source available
No additional hardware needed
Build customer-centric digital solutions
Build market-leading products with Hiven B2B2C solution
Smooth implementation to your webpage or app
Build products with our back-end solution while keeping your UI
Quality in focus
All integrations performance tested
Ensured data privacy and security
Only stable manufacturers’ API added
Devices you can connect
Electric Vehicles
Heating & Cooling
Solar Inverters
Home Batteries
The value we bring
We aim to increase our partners competitive advantage - distributed flexibility benefits at all levels of the value chain:
For businesses
Increased competitiveness
Improved margins
Lower environmental impact
For consumers
Financial savings
Lowered CO2 impact
Maximizing self-consumption of PV production
For the energy system
Balancing the grid
Enabling more green energy in the system
Avoiding large grid investments nationally and locally
Learn more about the technical integration of our product
Are you a developer who wants to explore how our product could be integrated into your UI? Take a look at our API documentation.
Hiven use cases for your industry
Energy Retailer
Build Home Energy Management products for your consumers - all cloud based.
Heat Pump Manufacturer
Deliver more value to your customers with intelligent heating and cooling.
EV Manufacturer
Bring extra value to your consumers by optimizing the charging session and building a Virtual Power Plant.
EV Charger Manufacturer
Create new value streams and add additional value to your charging experience.
Start connecting
Bring value to your customers with our Connectivity solution.